Sunday 27 February 2011

The Michelle Villas Experience......

our 1st photo on the day we 1st met
My mind has been so cluttered with so many worthless negative thoughts for the past weeks now, that I realized I've forgotten to count my blessings lately. So now, instead of obsessing with those worthless thoughts, I've decided  to once again fight and stand up by being thankful for the many blessings which I have. Forget about material things... my treasures are the people around me who make my life complete.

Today, I'd like to feature one of my treasured friends. I’d like to write about her for the simple reason that I’m proud to have her in my life. My life is not just about the things I do or how I feel…. My life is mostly about sharing it with others and I am honored to be surrounded by genuine people like this special girl.

I remember one night around March 2010, when buddy Frank told me about her bestestfriend Michelle Villas. I remember him telling me he knows we’d get along well. He said she was also a bit intimidating like me hehehehe.  I was really excited to meet her!  And as predicted by Frank, we did gel… pretty much like soul sisters!  We both love eating, cooking, chocolates, cheese and a whole lot more!  She has a sweet tooth like me however, I feel worried whenever there’s cola nearby. Hehehehe

goofing around somewhere at the Fort
I love her a lot! I love everything about her! No wonder many people love and consider her a bestfriend. Kindhearted, generous, sensitive and responsible… she’s one of those people whom I never wanna see crying because only a foolish person would make her do so. I do have a lot of friends and she’s one of those few whom I wanna protect. 

Whenever we would have our “girl talks,” I feel we both relate to each other a lot. Like me, it ain’t difficult for her to express her mind.  I feel relieved whenever I confide to her.
girl talk moments! hihihi

Each opportunity to bond with her is a gift indeed. She’s always game to goof around! I treasure our photos a lot, not to mention our hilarious videos! How nice it is to be with people whom you feel at home with. We may have our own different taste on a lot of things but I guess like in all lasting relationships… the bond which you share is strengthened by love and respect which you have for one another.  I may say she has this way of making people feel comfortable.. making you feel “YOU!”

the beauty queens
She’s indeed blessed to have such a loving family, and I also feel honored to be friends with all of them. I appreciate the fact that they treat me as a part of their family. I have spent very memorable weekends with them. Sometimes I wish I had a family that is as ideal as theirs. All of them are very kind and caring. What I like most about them is that they always manage to stick together and spend time together… something which only very few families enjoy.
meet the Villas!!!
having a fun time with the Villas sisters!
the Bestest of Friends
With a person as genuine as her, I’m certain that she’s gonna have a great future ahead.  I’m actually excited on how successful she’s gonna be. I believe in her because I believe you can never let a good person down. She may have her own set of insecurities (like everyone) but I know she’ll overcome them in time. Anyway, if in case she’d feel down, I’d like to be there to give her a reassuring hug to let her know that everything will be ok. I know I may not be beside her sometimes but I do would like to assure her that my love and support will always be there and that she’s always included in my thoughts and prayers. 

I love my Mareng!!
Mich, you are perfect and very beautiful! You are a gift to mankind! Always believe that! Thank you for the laughter, tears and great memories together! I treasure you a lot. You have made my existence worthwhile.  My wish for you aside from having a healthy body is that may you have confidence in yourself more for many people believe in your potentials. Thank you very much for being very very supportive to me and to everyone. I look forward in making more great memories with you!